Hello Year 10.
I apologise for my lateness in getting this extract uploaded with accompanying notes. Here is a short Youtube video about 'Cinematography' to help you with this essay followed by the link to the 'Spooks' extract we watched in class. I have not been able to embed the actual video as it's a BBC production. However click the link below the streamed video to watch to your heart's content:
Your essay question is:
Analyse the ways in which the following techniques are used in the extract from BBC Drama 'Spooks' to construct a representation of M15 agents and Terrorists:
Mise-en-scene is everything you see in the frame (lighting, props, costumes, locations, set design)
Sound - Talk about DIEGETIC SOUND (Real sound and its effect) and NON DIEGETIC SOUND (Sound added in post-production - music, special effects and their effect on audience interpretations). How does sound add to, heighten our experience and help to construct the representations?
Cinematography - Why have certain shots been used and what does this framing communicate? Always ask WHY?
There are three distinct locations - The roof terrace; the office in M15; the "Don't shoot below 4ft" flat location.
Essay Structure:
1. Open with a definition of Representation and how TV has the power to 'Construct' representations of people, places and events through sound, mise-en-scene, cinematography and editing. Tell the reader that you are going to be exploring the representation of terrorists and M15 agents in the BBC TV Drama 'Spooks' in the episode entitled 'Talking Him Down' broadcast on 11/05/2007.
2. Using your skills of DENOTATION and CONNOTATION describe what you see and then ANALYSE the meanings communicated through the 3 key areas (Mise-en-scene, sound and cinematography). Here is an example of a paragraph DON'T COPY:
"The sequence opens on what seemingly appears to be a roof terrace on top of a block of flats overlooking London. The mise-en-scene is constructed to be intense and claustrophic - a small space tightly framed by fencing which creates a sense of being trapped. This anchors the state of mind of the terrorist who through dialogue says "...you have made us feel like animals".
3. When you have finished your analysis of the three key areas finish with a conclusion summing-up overall what 'REPRESENTATION' of M15 and terrorists this extract communicates and whether this CONFORMS TO OR CHALLENGES the STEREOTYPES you hold. YOU MIGHT ALSO WISH TO CONSIDER:
What techniques are used to involve audiences emotionally? How
does that position audiences?
does that position audiences?
What view of terrorism emerges from these scenes?
Mise-en-scene, location, props, costume, VERISIMILITUDE, REALISM, CONSTRUCTION, REPRESENTATION, framing, camera movement, close-up, zoom, tracking shot, dolly shot, STEADYCAM, mid-shot, high-angle, low-angle, diegetic, non-diegetic, musical score, audience engagement, audience interpretation, the text, Denotation, Connotation, explicit meaning, implied meaning, subtle, mode of address, anchor, subvert, challenge, comform, codes and conventions.